
Messages from the World Wide Web


Thu Jul 21 02:59:01 PM EDT 2022

I was offered a Threesome by my ex with another man once and denied respectfully. To explain it in League terms for you virgins: My ex and i usually 1v1'd in her base (practice tool so turret fire was off) and one day she suggested another guy joins on my side to 2v1 her. I then had to tell her that i already completely pwn her 1v1 so why bring another guy into it? She got surprised at the fact i wouldn't have fun in making her probably cry over being destroyed so hard since the other guy was around my elo which was 2 whole tiers above hers. To prove a point she 1v1'd him (we weren't matching icons so it wasnt a big deal) and got destroyed just as hard as when 1v1ing me and she still wanted to go 2v1, so i had to be direct with her and tell her to not get herself into more than she can handle. She was bummed out but ultimately accepted that i didn't want to destroy my baby like that

- Anonymous